Throughout my
The most important things is to find something that works for you, and make sure that something is healthy. Healthy for your body, healthy for your bank account (remember, we want our wallets fat and our bodies thin), and healthy for your family.
The number one thing that works for me is making lists. I make lists of lists that I want to make. I literally have a notebook devoted to my lists. I make to do lists, grocery lists (I don't even go grocery shopping), lists of clothes I want to buy, lists of things I need to buy, lists of places I want to go, where I want to travel, how I should budget my money, what I should eat each day. Basically, if a list can be made for something, I've made it.
I have found that making lists helps me to feel like I have some sort of control over my life. It makes me feel like even when I'm stressed out during finals week and I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, (which by the way, does anyone know if they actually do that?!) I can control some portion of my life. The other big factor in this, having control over your life, is learning not to worry about things you have no control over.
I'm color coding these so they're easier to read, instead of numbering them.
Not everyone is a list person. My brother certainly isn't. Anyone who doesn't like writing probably isn't. A great option is working out. I would typically plug in my headphones and hit the elliptical, but doing some physically demanding workout like kickboxing would really help pound the stress out.
In fact, exercise has scientifically been proven to improve your mood, and effectively cut out stress. Exercise releases endorphins, which help regulate mood and emotions. Essentially, you get the "runner's high." I have literally come home from a workout at 9 PM and been so hyper--not because of any caffeine or sugar, but because of the endorphins released during my workout. And with a name like endorphins, why would you like them? It sounds like en-dolphins to me, and I love dolphins.
Pray. This really should have been first on my list. I'll be the first to admit that I don't always think to pray right away when I feel stressed. If the simple act of telling God of your worries doesn't alleviate the stress, I have found it helpful to write them down, as if I am physically handing my worries over to God. Put them in a "God" box if you have to. Once they're in there they aren't yours to handle anymore--they belong to God.
Cry, sing, read the humor section on Pinterest. Drink a cup of tea. Have a dance party with yourself in your bedroom. Write a poem, or a novel. Talk to your mom, your sister, your best friend. Write in a journal. Pet a furry friend. Practice a new yoga pose. Do anything and everything to remind yourself that though now the stress may seem like a giant, trying to beat you down, you will overcome it, and you will make it through. And you will always be a stronger person because of it.
And to end on a slightly less intense note, be sure to hug at least 8 people each day. Or hug the same person 8 times, for at least 4 seconds. The simple act of hugging someone releases dopamine, which will increase your overall happiness in life! My suggestion? Find one of those Free Hugs t-shirts and wear it on your lunch break!
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