Friday, July 5, 2013


I haven't always been a fan of Greek yogurt. In fact, the first time I had it I thought it was worse than peas. And coming from me, that's something. Peas are like little green balls of evil.

Anyway, Greek yogurt is now my go to snack. Or breakfast, depending on the day. I've tried quite a few brands now, and to keep you from wasting your money trying different brands, I'll share my insight with you!

Brand #1: Yoplait

Image source:

Certainly not the best, or even close to the best. Yoplait's Greek yogurt isn't sweet enough. Which is confusing, when you read the label and see it has 20 grams of sugar in it! Just because we're being healthy, doesn't mean we want it to taste healthy, am I right?

Brand #2: Chobani

Image source:
Chobani is the face of Greek yogurt. I think of Greek yogurt, and I see a cup of Chobani Greek yogurt. Chobani's Greek yogurt is actually the first Greek yogurt I every tried, the one I thought was so disgusting. And let me tell you, while Chobani is certainly not my favorite (only certain flavors I can eat) it is several steps higher than Yoplait's Greek yogurt. And, when comparing nutrition facts (Chobani's can be found here) Chobani actually has 1 gram of sugar less than Yoplait. Yet somehow, it tastes a bit sweeter, and somewhat less like you're eating a spoonful of sour cream. 

Brand #3: Oikos
Image source:
Oikos Greek yogurt is my favorite. There is simply no doubt about it that Oikos is the BEST! Oikos has the lowest amount of sugar in it, at only 18 grams (nutrition facts here) and it happens to be the sweetest tasting! Now it's not overpoweringly sweet, like you're eating a cup of pudding, nor is it even as sweet as regular yogurt. It still has that thick and creamy, slightly sour taste of Greek yogurt, without being too sour cream-y tasting. Oikos is sweet enough that I can actually eat any flavor of it (my favorite though, is the Coconut one)! 

So there you have it! Taste-wise, and nutrition-wise, Oikos is the best! It's also the best for your pocket book. You can get a four pack of Oikos for about the same price that you can get two single-serve cups of Chobani's for. 

Until next time! Post your favorite Greek yogurt (or any yogurt) brand and flavor below!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Our First YouTube Video! Colors of the Rainbow TAG! We broke down and made our first YouTube video. Jenny and I have been avid YouTube viewers for many MANY years now,  and finally decided to start our own Beauty/Fashion vlog channel!

Click here to view our Colors of the Rainbow TAG video! Or, just watch it below :)

How this TAG video works:

We picked out our favorite fashion items and beauty products in ALL of the colors of the rainbow, plus a few extras! The colors we used are red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, violet, pink, and multi-color, but feel free to use your own.

And yes, we tag YOU! Leave your video as a response in our comments!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

4th of July Treats!

My mom and I have agreed, we could give or take the fireworks on the 4th of July. For us, it's all about the food! For me at least, it's almost 95% about making sure the food is patriotic and well-prepared, and less about actually eating the food.

Since I really shouldn't eat five different desserts in a day, let's take a vote! Tell me in the comments below which dessert idea you think is the best.

Option 1: Rice Krispy Treat Cake Balls

I saw this photo on Pinterest for American Flag Cake Pops. Since I seem to be unable to make cake pops that actually stay on the stick, or are even round for that matter, I thought I would make Rice Krispy treats, and dip those in melted white chocolate. Rice Krispy treats are slightly more mold-able than cake pops are, and the idea of them dipped in white chocolate...yum.

Option 2: Red, White, and Blue Layered Cupcake

Now this looks like it could be a lot of work, but I absolutely love cupcakes. You give me a reason to celebrate, and I'll be sure to have a themed cupcake for you. Take a look a these patriotic cupcakes:

Option 3: Fruit Parfait

This would be a slightly healthier option (okay, completely healthier option) but still just as fun. And really easy! Check out this strawberry and blueberry parfait here, or look below. 

Now these look like a bundle of fun to make, and they're probably even more fun to eat! However, they also look like they could be a total flop if I did anything the wrong way...but they just look like so much fun! 

Option 5: American Flag Cake

As much as I love cupcakes, I love baking cakes just as much. In fact, sometimes I love them more, just because you don't have to frost 24 individual cakes. I've been eyeing a cake like this for a long time and I think it looks pretty easy to make! There is nothing I love more than a tall, layered cake. I think I would use white chocolate chip morsels or white sprinkles to make that starry look!

Well, let me know what you think! Maybe I'll do a review on how my dessert-making goes. Let me know if you would like to see if these are able to be done by "normal" person (AKA, not done by a DIY Super Hero)! 

Until next time,

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to Handle Stress Without Breaking the Bank, or that Antique Vase Sitting Next to You

Everyone gets stressed every now and again. Like the old saying from George Orwell's Animal Farm, "All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others," so does stress affect people. We all get stressed, but some get more stressed than others. Some stress over things that others would never imagine stressing about. Are you getting stressed just thinking about being stressed?

Throughout my many nineteen years on this earth, I've learned various tips and tricks that really help me reduce my stress, and hopefully they can help you too.

The most important things is to find something that works for you, and make sure that something is healthy. Healthy for your body, healthy for your bank account (remember, we want our wallets fat and our bodies thin), and healthy for your family.

The number one thing that works for me is making lists. I make lists of lists that I want to make. I literally have a notebook devoted to my lists. I make to do lists, grocery lists (I don't even go grocery shopping), lists of clothes I want to buy, lists of things I need to buy, lists of places I want to go, where I want to travel, how I should budget my money, what I should eat each day. Basically, if a list can be made for something, I've made it. 

I have found that making lists helps me to feel like I have some sort of control over my life. It makes me feel like even when I'm stressed out during finals week and I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, (which by the way, does anyone know if they actually do that?!) I can control some portion of my life. The other big factor in this, having control over your life, is learning not to worry about things you have no control over. 

I'm color coding these so they're easier to read, instead of numbering them. 

Not everyone is a list person. My brother certainly isn't. Anyone who doesn't like writing probably isn't. A great option is working out. I would typically plug in my headphones and hit the elliptical, but doing some physically demanding workout like kickboxing would really help pound the stress out. 

In fact, exercise has scientifically been proven to improve your mood, and effectively cut out stress. Exercise releases endorphins, which help regulate mood and emotions. Essentially, you get the "runner's high." I have literally come home from a workout at 9 PM and been so hyper--not because of any caffeine or sugar, but because of the endorphins released during my workout. And with a name like endorphins, why would you like them? It sounds like en-dolphins to me, and I love dolphins. 

Pray. This really should have been first on my list. I'll be the first to admit that I don't always think to pray right away when I feel stressed. If the simple act of telling God of your worries doesn't alleviate the stress, I have found it helpful to write them down, as if I am physically handing my worries over to God. Put them in a "God" box if you have to. Once they're in there they aren't yours to handle anymore--they belong to God. 

Cry, sing, read the humor section on Pinterest. Drink a cup of tea. Have a dance party with yourself in your bedroom. Write a poem, or a novel. Talk to your mom, your sister, your best friend. Write in a journal. Pet a furry friend. Practice a new yoga pose. Do anything and everything to remind yourself that though now the stress may seem like a giant, trying to beat you down, you will overcome it, and you will make it through. And you will always be a stronger person because of it. 

And to end on a slightly less intense note, be sure to hug at least 8 people each day. Or hug the same person 8 times, for at least 4 seconds. The simple act of hugging someone releases dopamine, which will increase your overall happiness in life! My suggestion? Find one of those Free Hugs t-shirts and wear it on your lunch break!